Talk that ish baby! |
lET THERE BE lYTE!My favorite #FEMALE #rap artist is #McLyte! From the moment she stepped on the scene in 1988 with the first full female solo rap album, “LYTE AS A ROCK”, I felt EVERYTHING! Watching her was so liberating! After releasing the hit, “Paper Thin”, she set the standards high, letting it be known to take us serious as WOMEN and as a RAP ARTISTS. I was like, 'So you can have lyrics, be true to yourself, AND demand respect on a whole other level??? DAMN, THAT'S DOPE!' No gimmicks! No costumes! It was just about the lyrics!!! She was, and still is the truth! MC-Lyte paved the way for our current female artists! #REMEMBER where it all started T. AlexisFree spirit, novice blogger, lover of life, #TeamLeo!
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Lesley Nicole and #DontForgetTheMr host this episode of #WhatsReallyGood?
Here they discuss pop culture news, local stories, #NationalTequilaDay, and their definition of #cheating. Oh, did I mention, this episode is #uncensored??? Catch new episodes of What's Really Good? on Blast100 Radio Every Wednesday 8-10pm! A 17-year-old South Jersey male is in stable condition after suffering gunshot wounds during a police altercation just after Midnight on Monday. The teen allegedly stole a school bus and sped away from police going 80-90 mph on I-295 North before crashing on the Walt Whitman bridge.
According to NBC 10 News, "The ordeal began around midnight when the 17-year-old stole a school bus from the lot of the H.A. DeHart & Son dealership in West Deptford Township, New Jersey, police said." Officers pulled over the bus because the missing license plate aroused suspicion. After briefly complying with the officer's requests, the teen sped off and led officers on a chase that would end with the teen crashing into the guardrail on the Walt-Whitman bridge. The teen then exiting the vehicle, and allegedly approached the officers with a knife in his hand while wearing a mask. From there the teen 'charged' at officers while still holding the knife and they were forced to open fire, striking the teen multiple times. Juvenile petitions for burglary of the bus, theft of a motor vehicle, and eluding police have been signed as the teen is expected to recover from his injuries. Photo Cred: Action News 6ABC |
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May 2024